Conversations with clients! Homeowners Insurance
Client - My homeowners insurance went up a lot this year.
Agent – We are seeing that statewide right now with and it’s with just about every insurance company out there. Some have larger increases than others. Fortunately we have multiple insurance companies to offer you and by shopping around we are seeing that we can lower the increase in some cases.
Client – But why are the premiums going up?
Agent – Most insurance industry sources are explaining that it’s not the hurricanes causing the biggest problems. They can usually plan for them. Remarkably the increases are coming from numerous lawsuits. The rise in legal actions on reported claims is considerable. The cost to settle a claim with a legal action involved is several times higher. The reports state that most of the increase is in legal fees.
Client – What can I do?
Agent – A good start is to review your policy with us and have us check other companies for you. Also, some insurance specific home inspections may reveal that you have some construction credits that you are not now getting. Like hurricane strap construction or extra nails in the joists. The savings could be substantial.